Good Deeds Do Not Go Unanswered – The Creation of the Good Deed Tag

Yesterday I was sitting at a bus stop, among many others, surrounded by piles of rubbish. I wanted so badly to pick it all up and put it in the bin but I worried of others judgement of me. I spent 5 minutes debating with myself and then made my move. Avoiding the eyes of others, I began to pick up the rubbish and move it into the bin. Soon, others began to join me and I noticed smiles beginning to form. I only wish that I had been faster to act and that someone else would of had the courage to do so much earlier in the day.

I have decided to challenge myself to do at least one good deed per day and share them with you all near the end of the week. I’ve seen how messed up our world is and I hope, that just by doing one small thing everyday, I am able to bring about a small bit of change in people’s lives.

I encourage you all to join my and email me your experiences at so that I can share them on my blog. šŸ™‚

I would like to turn this into a tag as a way to get more people involved so to start off I will tag myself at my poetry blog in an attempt to gain a greater audience. However, if you are reading this post, consider yourself tagged and help spread the word.

TheĀ GoodĀ DeedĀ Tag:

Feel free to remake the graphic, cause I know it sucks šŸ™‚

TheĀ Rules:

  1. Thank the person that tagged you
  2. Explain what it is about
  3. Display the rules
  4. Explain your good deed that you did
  5. Nominate others to share the word

If only some of us do this, it will still be better than none of us doing so. I love you all and hope that we can spread our love towards people that need it the most.

Thanks for listening and until next time,
